Building Youth Christians Foundation
"I can do all things through Christ, which strengthened me. Philippians 4:13"
Thanks to your generosity, we're able to provide help and support to those in need. We appreciate your donation and support of our mission.
Services BYCF Offers

Building Youth Christians Foundation will be providing Democrats free rides to the Voting Polls starting early voting up to November 3, 2020 in Gwinnett County. Please call 678 481-3564.
Building Youth Christians Foundation provides a Food Pantry for families in need of food. Food is distributed on Wednesdays at 7:00 PM. Call (678) 481-3564 for an appointment to receive food (meat is not included, only can goods and perishable items).
- Children's Bible Study
- Children Mentors
- Spiritual Guidance
- Recreation Services
- Clothing for adults and children
Please contact us if you are in need of our services! We would love to assist you and your family. Click on our Contact page and let us know what you need.