Building Youth Christians Foundation
"I can do all things through Christ, which strengthened me. Philippians 4:13"
Thanks to your generosity, we're able to provide help and support to those in need. We appreciate your donation and support of our mission.
Building Youth Christians Foundation Board Members

Mr. Singleton is the Founder of Building Youth Christians Foundation. He has been working with youth for over 40 years within the juvenile disciplinary and school systems. He has also been a mentor to the youth and has assisted students in recreational programs. He has a passion for helping others, and is dedicated to making a difference in the world starting with nurturing and guiding our youth. He takes a spiritual approach, and believes that the ultimate force to make a difference is Christ.
Dr. Mettie Wilson Singleton
President & Spiritual Advisor (Females)

Dr. Singleton is the President of Building Youth Christians Foundation. She is a professional licensed Educator with 33 years of experience working with youth, their families and the community. She has professional education degrees in Education Leadership, teaching (Reading, English, Social Studies, Science, Math), and Counseling. She have worked with youth in the roles as a teacher, counselor, mentor, social worker and tutor for 33 years. Her passion working with youth is to empower their voice and skills to be successful productive citizens in their daily lives within society. "Let our sons in their youth be as grown-up plants, and our daughter as corner pillars fashioned as for a palace. Psalms 144:12."

Mr. Jonathan Kasongo come to BYCF from Congo-Kinshasa in Africa. He is a student at Georgia State University, learning America English hoping to become one day an engineer. He comes to us through JESUS POWER CHURCH where he taught youth bible study. We welcome Jonathan as our new Vice President. He is 20 years young, and envision the growth of future Building Youth Christians Foundation
Brother Gary Brown
Outreach Ministry Director
My name is Gary J. Brown sr. ( Brother Brown) Father of One son and two daughters and proud grandfather of four grand boys and One lovely grand daughter! Being raised by a single parent, I never knew my father or grandfather: God has blessed me to be both to my children and grandchildren. My mother raised 3 boys and 2 girls and has gone on to be with the lord. She taught me the fear of the lord and honesty by applying discipline when necessary! She raised me in church where I was a youth minister, Sunday school teacher, minister of music and worship leader!
Born in Gwinnett county, a graduate of Marietta high school and attended Kenesaw state. One of my hobbies is Tennis and I'm also a certified tennis instructor and author of " Tennis Fit For Life". I'm also a tennis youth instructor.
One of my most famous quotes is " What you are is Gods gift to you", What you become is your gift to God".
I am proud to be a part of BYCF and to be a part of this mission ( which God has fore-ordained) To enable youth to become productive citizens in the community and in life, allowing them to reach their full potential . And also a part of the vision: To provide a world class foundation that focus on youth of single and working parents.
May God bless us all according to his will, grace and mercy!
Gary J. Brown sr.